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From Concept to Success: Video Mode Survey Case Study

October 29, 2024

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations conducting in-person research needed to pivot quickly to other modes of data collection, and some began exploring the viability of video interviewing. In the absence of a foundational body of literature on how to implement video interviewing, researchers relied on small-scale exploratory research to develop the data collection methodology.

New research published in Sage Journals, presents a case study of Westat’s experience developing the methodology to deploy video interviewing on a large scale. Practical considerations for developing and implementing a video mode for survey data collection was coauthored by Lena Centeno, Jesus Arrue, Cindy Good, and Brad Edwards of Westat; and Darby Steiger of SSRS.

The researchers review practical considerations for incorporating video interviewing into an existing study, based on experience adding a video mode to 2 mixed-mode surveys: the American National Election Survey Time Series (ANES) and the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey–Household Component (MEPS-HC).

“This work highlights Westat’s ability to pivot and adapt quickly to address the needs of our clients while striving to maintain the highest quality data,” says Centeno. “MEPS has continued to refine our procedures and leverage the benefits of video interviewing and allow our respondents to choose the interview mode that best suits their needs.”

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