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Westat to Assess Impact of COVID-19 on Montgomery County Businesses, Identify Resources Needed for Rapid Recovery

May 12, 2020

Westat will conduct a 3-year study of Montgomery County, Maryland, business owners to assess the impact of COVID-19 on their sales and operations, and identify resources they need for rapid recovery once the economy reopens. The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) sponsors this research.

Westat will conduct monthly surveys initially and then quarterly surveys. The sampling plan will provide representation of Montgomery County businesses across a variety of characteristics, including businesses size, ownership demographics, and industry (e.g., IT, cybersecurity, bio-health).

Results from this research will identify organizational operational adaptations being used by business owners to address the long-term business implications of COVID-19 and the necessary steps for a successful economic recovery.

MCEDC will also use this review to track the long-term vitality of those businesses that receive federal, state, and local emergency assistance grant funds.

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