(SPEECH) [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) The word teacher over a multi-colored pattern. Pieces continue to appear. (SPEECH) Teacher, you are a poet. (DESCRIPTION) Rectangular shapes continue to appear at the bottom in a zigzag pattern. (SPEECH) As you weave with your colorful magic language a passion for your subject, you create a vast and grand mosaic of curiosities to imagine, secrets to unfold, connections only to begin the cycle of learning. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) Squares appear behind the golden spiral. Circles appear, inscribed in the squares. (SPEECH) Teacher, you are a physicist, as you bring magic, logic, reason, and wonder to the properties, changes, and interactions of our universe. (DESCRIPTION) A large spiral seashell cut in half appears behind the golden spiral, which disappears. (SPEECH) [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) Musical notes on the staff drift across the page. (SPEECH) Teacher, you are a maestro. A master of composing as you conduct and orchestrate individuals thoughts and actions from discordant cacophony into harmonic resonance. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) Colorful waveforms appear and then disappear. Blueprints of a building begin to take shape. Outlines of buildings rise from the bottom of the screen. (SPEECH) Teacher you are an architect as you provide each student a solid foundation, but always with a vision of the magnificent structure that is about to emerge. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) A rhythmic gymnastic ribbon rolls across the screen. (SPEECH) Teacher you are a gymnast as you encourage the contortions and gyrations of thoughts, and the flexing and strengthening of ideas. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) A ball rolls onto the screen. (SPEECH) Teacher you are a diplomat and the ambassador of tact and sensitivity as you facilitate productive, positive interactions among the multiplicity of personalities and cultures, beliefs, and ideals. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) A hand picks up the ball. (SPEECH) Teacher you are a philosopher as your actions and ethics convey meaning and hope to young people who look to you for guidance and example. (DESCRIPTION) The hand opens, offering the ball. A star appears on the ball. (SPEECH) [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) A circle of students sits with a teacher reading a book, (SPEECH) As you prepare for your first day and each day, when your students enter and you encounter their attitudes, ranging from eager enthusiastic anticipation to uncomfortable uncertain apathy, recall the powers you have within, from poet to philosopher, and present yourself to those students as a person worthy of the noble title, teacher. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) A mosaic of key words from the poem appear such as tact, magic, poet, sensitivity, teacher, philosopher, create, and many more. That Noble Title Teacher by Trish Marcuzzo, Omaha Public Schools, Nebraska. Excerpt from The First Days of School, Harry and Rosemary Wong, 2009. Narrated by Wesley Williams II, Westat Senior Project Director, Educator Equity and Cultural Responsiveness. To learn more about Education at Westat, go to www.westat.com