Blaise Support Policy

Licensing for Blaise 4.8 and earlier versions of Blaise 4 will be continued as long as needed by clients wishing to continue operating these versions within the terms of the support policy. Support for earlier versions of Blaise will continue as described below. Statistics Netherlands will make every effort to continue to support client needs during the transition from Blaise 4 to Blaise 5 to the extent feasible given changes in operating systems and available resources.

Support for Blaise is classified into 3 levels:

  • Level I. This is the highest level of support and is provided for Blaise 5. Under Level I support, new builds are frequently released to repair reported problems or to add new functionality or improvements. Hot fixes can be provided for selected critical problems.
  • Level II. Level II support applies to Blaise 4.8 versions. Under Level II support, new builds are released to repair reported problems. Hot fixes might be provided for selected critical problems. Basic maintenance is performed for continued operational support. No new development is planned. Level II support for Blaise 4.8 will likely be discontinued in 2026. Note that due to changes in operating systems, the BlaiseIS component has been discontinued. All BlaiseIS users have been transitioned to Blaise 5.
  • Level III. Under Level III, no new builds are released. Only under rare circumstances and only when this is technically feasible would hot fixes be provided for selected critical problems.

Resolving Problems

Due to the complex nature of software development and operating environments, the time that it will take to resolve a problem cannot be guaranteed. Any problems will be resolved as expeditiously as possible. When needed, additional information will be requested, such as application source code and data sets. All data provided will be handled in a secure environment and will only be used for analyzing and debugging a reported problem.

While every attempt will be made to provide fixes for serious problems, there may be cases where it is impractical or impossible to generate a fix due to compatibility issues or the potential for introducing unwanted side effects.

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