Corporate Awards and Recognition

Forbes “Best of” Awards

Westat has been recognized consistently over the years by Forbes magazine for being among the nation’s best employers in a variety of categories. Westat continues to build on these honors and excel in client satisfaction.

Federal Industry Leader

Westat continues as a noted leader on the annual BGOV200 Federal Industry Leaders list. We have been ranked on this leadership list for many years. The list is published by Bloomberg L.P., a financial services, media, and technology company. The rankings are based on fiscal data for value of unclassified prime contracts awarded across all government agencies in the U.S.

Excellence in Research

Our work for clients is well recognized. Here’s a selection of past awards.

  • The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey – Household Component (MEPS-HC) Health Policy Booklet Abstraction Tool won a FedHealthIT Innovation Award. This award honors and celebrates programs driving innovation and results across several federal agencies. The tool was developed by SoftDev, with Westat providing support.
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) presented the Spotlight Award to Westat and Avar Consulting, Inc., for our exemplary work on the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care National Coordinating Oversight and Review Center.
  • National Institutes of Health’s Director’s Award for Administrative Performance honor spotlighted Westat researchers’ work with the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Delegation of Tasks Log application for the Cancer Trials Support Unit (CTSU) team’s contributions to developing the application.
  • Doing It My Way (YouTube video), a micro-campaign developed by Westat for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, won a Berreth Award from the National Public Health Information Coalition. The Berreth Award honors excellence and reflects the best of public health communication initiatives.
  • NCI’s Director’s Award for Clinical Science honor spotlighted Westat researchers’ work with developing and implementing an enterprise-level IT platform called the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program’s Clinical Oncology Research Enterprise.
  • NCI’s Director’s Award for the Network Accrual Core Team (Network ACT) and promoting collaborations honor spotlighted Westat researchers’ work with the NCI’s National Cancer Trials Network and Community Oncology Research Program.

Research-Related Corporate Initiatives

AAPOR Transparency

Westat is a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Transparency Initiative, which is a program to enhance the credibility of social science research by encouraging disclosure of methodological information and educating the public on how to use it. It places the value of openness at the center of our profession

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