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PATH Study Team Leads Journal Special Issue

May 8, 2020

Tobacco research experts and analysts from Westat’s Tobacco Studies sector collaborated with scientists at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center on a series of papers in a special supplement issue of Tobacco Control. The special issue, Patterns of Tobacco Product Use in the United States: Transitions across Three Waves of the PATH Study (2013-2016), examines tobacco use over 3 years from the U.S. nationally representative PATH Study.

This special issue includes a series of papers that examine longitudinal patterns of initiation, persistent use, cessation, and relapse for 5 tobacco products (cigarettes, e-cigarettes, hookah, cigars, and smokeless tobacco) among youth, young adults, and adults 25+ years old.

Kristie Taylor, Cassandra Stanton, Eva Sharma, and Kathryn Edwards from Westat’s Tobacco Studies sector were lead authors on papers in the supplement, leading the Westat team that conducted the analyses and tested longitudinal models.

This infographic illustrates the longitudinal progression, transitions, and overlapping use of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Full image description

Focus Areas

Behavioral Health Tobacco


Data Collection

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