
Webinar: Engaging with Children in Evaluation

September 30, 2022

Nanmathi Manian, Ph.D., a Westat Principal Research Associate, will be a presenter in an upcoming webinar: Engaging with Children in Evaluation: A Critical Review of Transformative Methodological Approaches. It is part of the UNICEF WCARO Child Focused Evaluation Webinar Series and noted by its Review Committee to be one of the top 10 contributions to be submitted. The webinar, which is free to attend, will on October 4, 2022, 9:00-10:30 am (EDT).

Nanmathi Manian

Dr. Manian will discuss the unique ethical and methodological challenges in undertaking research and evaluation among vulnerable populations, especially children and youth. These challenges are compounded when researchers seek the perspectives of children and youth as informants of their own well-being. Citing a multimethod longitudinal study conducted in Uganda from 2015-19, she will relate how the study examined the effect of a household-based parenting program on the outcomes of reintegrating children living in residential care back into family-based care.

This presentation is based on study findings coauthored by Westat’s Dr. Manian, Karen Megazzini, Ph.D., and Daniel Oliver; and Eddy J. Walakira, Ph.D., and Paul Bangirana, Ph.D., of Makerere University in Uganda.

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