
Westat at 2023 European Survey Research Conference

July 10, 2023

Challenges of video interviewing, field staff recruitment, and response burden are just a few of the survey research topics Westat staff will address at the European Survey Research Association conference July 17-21, 2023, to be held at the University of Milan-Bicocca in Milan, Italy. This year’s theme isSurvey Research in Times of Crisis: Challenges, Opportunities, and New Directions. The conference brings together applied survey researchers, methodologists and statisticians from around the world. It showcases the latest survey research and offers a number of professional development opportunities.

The following Westat staff (names in bold) are collaborating on presentations and panels with colleagues from within Westat and around the globe. The asterisk (*) indicates presenting authors.

The plenary session on Thursday, July 20, from 11am-12:30pm, Survey Research Post-Pandemic: What Is It Becoming?, is of key interest to all in the field of survey research.

Tuesday, July 18

Mengyao Hu* (University of Michigan), Vicki Freedman (University of Michigan), Justin Kamens, Shawn McCloskey, and Mick Couper (University of Michigan). An Experimental Evaluation of Changing to a Mixed-Mode Design in the National Study of Caregiving.

Wednesday, July 19

Tom Krenzke. (Session Organizer). Reducing and Measuring Nonresponse Bias in Times of Crisis: Challenges, Opportunities, and New Directions 1.

Benjamin Schneider*, Tom Krenzke, and Laura Gamble. Prediction-Based Methods for Assessing Nonresponse Bias and the Effectiveness of Nonresponse Adjustments in an International Survey.

Dina Neiger (The Social Research Centre), Emma Farrell (Australian Bureau of Statistics), Tim Hanson (European Social Survey (City, University of London)), Brad Edwards, Andrew Hupp (University of Michigan, Survey Research Center), and Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research). (Session Organizers). Live Video Interviewing in Survey Practice 1.

Jennifer Kelley*, Jesus Arrue, Brad Edwards, and Rick Dulaney. Evaluating Potential Mode Effects in Video Interviews.

Tom Krenzke*, Laura Gamble, and Wendy Hicks. Operationalizing a Falsification Suspicion Detection Plan Using Paradata and Survey Data in U.S. PIAAC.

Thursday, July 20

Rick Dulaney*, Jennifer Kelley, Jesus Arrue, and Brad Edwards. Who Is Choosing Video Interviewing? A Look into Respondent Characteristics of Video Adopters.

Lena Centeno*, Jennifer Kelley, Jesus Arrue, Brad Edwards, Ryan Hubbard, and Rick Dulaney. Video Interviewing in Full Production: A New Mode Is Here to Stay.

Jennifer Kelley*, Brad Edwards, Dave DesRoches, and Dan Tomlin. Designing a Global Quality Profile Using a Total Survey Error and Fitness-for-Use Framework.

Adapting Field Staff Recruiting Efforts in a Post-Pandemic World. Rick Dulaney*, Jennifer Kelley, Jill Carle, Tammy Cook, and Brad Edwards.

Ting Yan* and Douglas Williams (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Response Burden – Review and Conceptual Framework.

Victoria Vignare* and Tammy Cook. The Gamification of Field Interviewer Production.

Gerry Nicolaas (National Centre for Social Research; Panel Chair); Brad Edwards; Rory Fitzgerald (City, University of London); Ruud Luijkx (Tilburg University); Caroline Roberts (University of Lausanne); and Christof Wolf (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences). (Panel participants). Survey Research Post-Pandemic: What Is It Becoming?

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