
Wilhelmina Ross

Senior Research Associate


Wilhelmina Ross is a physician assistant, epidemiologist, Certified Oncology Data Specialist, and Senior Research Associate for Public Health with over 15 years of experience in epidemiologic research, development, and operations for public health and clinical trials research. She is the project director for the data management support, quality assurance, operations, and epidemiology support of the Delaware Cancer Registry. She also manages operations for the Nebraska Cancer Registry. She has worked with cancer surveillance data to investigate outcomes of prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers. Ross has prepared data for various national submissions, conferences, and publications.

Before coming to Westat, Ross spent time as a clinical trials coordinator and public health fellow. At Saint Louis University School of Public Health, she contributed to qualitative and quantitative research on varying health outcomes and other topics while completing her fellowship. Ross is an experienced user of SAS for data management, analysis, and reporting.


  • MPH, Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Saint Louis University
  • BS, Physician Assistant, Howard University

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