
What are the human effects of environmental pollutants?

Assisting the Environmental Public Health Division (EPHD) to assess the human health effects of environmental pollutants


Can we validate biomarkers of exposure to environmental pollutants? Can we assess the effects of non-chemical stressors that can modify biological responses and clinical outcomes to environmental exposures?

Westat has been tapped to assist the Environmental Public Health Division (EPHD) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in assessing the human health effects of environmental pollutants.


Westat provides epidemiologic study design and implementation expertise to

  • Collect data, environmental samples, and biospecimens
  • Perform statistical analysis
  • Provide data management and analysis support

Westat has performed statistical analyses that have explored and validated relationships between exposure to environmental pollutants and human health outcomes, as well as assessed the effects of stressors that can modify biological responses.

We have also performed data management to explore the synergy that could be gained by capturing, harmonizing, and analyzing diverse exposure- and health-related existing data sources.


Data, samples, and biospecimens collected by Westat in many field studies have been analyzed to fill gaps in the understanding of pollutant-related disease etiology and prevention, gene-environment interactions, and the impacts of risk-management decisions on public health.


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